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2018-09-28 04:52:05 +0000

Hello, everyone! We are about 2 months away from the first release. To view more information about our road map to release, please consult the FAQ.

If you haven’t found our chat room yet, all are welcome to join us on our Discord server.

I know the biggest question is, “What makes ZetaGlest different from MegaGlest?” You can feel assured that the Differences from MegaGlest page will answer that question!

With regard to changes, bug fixes, and feature additions in the current code and data, we’ve been noting them in the ChangeLog; but now that we have this blog, we’ll try to post the most significant updates in a timely manner, in paragraph (not ChangeLog) form. Please subscribe to the RSS feed and try to contain your excitement.

You want mods? We’ve added several. If you have access to a development snapshot binary, remember to check the mod center next time you run ZG for new items!

Thank you for your participation.